Expect to meet with God. Anticipate an audience with the Almighty. Prepare yourself for an encounter with the one who loves you … and who emptied himself so that you might live abundantly.

This Sunday’s theme is “belonging to God’s family.” In Christ, our deepest needs and desires for belonging and acceptance are met!

  • Welcome/Announcements: We review our upcoming schedule and important events.
  • Prayer: We welcome God’s presence in our midst as we begin our worship.
  • “Blessed Be Your Name”: We lift our voices in praise to God – no matter what our present circumstances are.
  • Responsive Reading – Psalm 27: We recite together the ancient words: “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?”
  • “Whom Shall I Fear?”: We sing, in response to scripture, this affirmation of God’s provision for us – because he loves us as his children.
  • Offering: Out of thankfulness and praise, we give our very selves to the Lord, symbolized by the tithes and offerings we place in the offering plate.
  • “The Family of God”: We continue in a mode of thanksgiving by celebrating the truth that we have been brought into God’s family, through Jesus.
  • Missions Moment: We take a moment to review our involvement in missions activities around the world. God’s family is quite large indeed!
  • “Facing a Task Unfinished”: We unite with thousands of churches around the world who will sing this song this Sunday as well. It’s a song of commitment to the unfinished work of sharing the love of Jesus with everyone around us.
  • Prayer: We lift our praises and concerns to God, who cares for our every need.
  • “Be Still and Know”: We remember, in song, that God’s desire for us is simply to rest, to know that he is God.
  • Special Music: We contemplate the goodness of being in God’s presence while we listen to a special selection presented by one of our members.
  • Scripture Reading – Philippians 3:17-4:1: This passage teaches us to eagerly await our Savior, Jesus Christ, and the eternal life which he promises us.
  • Scripture Reading – Luke 13:31-35: In this sermon text, Jesus compares himself to a mothering hen who only desires to draw her chicks to herself for protection, love, and life. Yet those chicks are unwilling…
  • Message – “Poured Out: Empty Nest”: This second week of Lent has us thinking about how Jesus poured himself out for all people, even though the people around him did not respond favorably to him at the time.
  • “Just As I Am, Without One Plea”: We respond to God by presenting ourselves to him, without apology or modification, so that he might draw us under his sheltering wing and give us life.

Come and worship with us!