This is the final sermon in this 12-week series. The theme for this week is: healthy relationships. See if you can answer these questions after listening to the sermon: How are you like Philemon? How will you be like Jesus?
Sermons in Pastor David’s Doctor of Ministry project.
This is the final sermon in this 12-week series. The theme for this week is: healthy relationships. See if you can answer these questions after listening to the sermon: How are you like Philemon? How will you be like Jesus?
Christian faith is not intended to be a private experience. We need each other as a community! Listen to Pastor David’s sermon on Acts 2:42-47.
How are you like the woman Jesus met at the well? How might an encounter with the Messiah transform your life? Listen to Pastor David’s sermon on John 4:1-42.
Jesus experienced a moment of spiritual formation when he prayed at Gethsemane, just before he was arrested and then crucified. How does his prayer lay the foundation for our prayer lives? Listen to Pastor David’s sermon on Matthew 26:36-46.
Jonah withdrew from the world after God spared the lives of his enemies, the people of Nineveh. Of course, he was very angry when he did this – but that’s good news for us. Listen to Pastor David’s sermon on Jonah 4 and the solitude which Jonah pursued.
King Josiah and his people discovered the scriptures and listened deeply to what God was saying through those writings. We all can do the same! Listen to Pastor David’s sermon on 2 Kings 22.
1 Kings 19 records the story of Elijah retreating with God and being sent back into the world on God’s mission. How can this encounter be a template for our own spiritual formation? Listen to Pastor David’s sermon on this text.
Hannah’s prayer for a son dramatically shaped and changed her life – and the lives of all who came after her. How might our spiritual practices serve a role in our own spiritual formation? Listen to Pastor David’s sermon on 1 Samuel 1:1-2:11.
After a glorious worship experience in Revelation 7, the first verse of chapter 8 records thirty minutes of silence in heaven. What role can silence play in our spiritual lives? Listen to Pastor David’s sermon here:
Jesus’s prayer in John 17 is a commissioning prayer for his disciples. How does Jesus create a community of people to follow in his footsteps? Listen to Pastor David’s sermon on this passage.