Scripture and Prayer on Thursday, July 15, 2021

Pastor David reads Mark 2:23-3:6 and offers a prayer from George Thomas:

O God, slow us down and help us to see that we are put in charge of our lives, but with thy help. Help us to get in tune with the rhythm that makes for life.

We keep moving, even though we know that we are made to center down, as well as to be actively engaged in the business of life. We compete for things and make those things more important than they ought to be. We eat what we ought not to eat. We neglect and misuse our bodies. We fail to discipline our minds and to be still and know that you are God and that we are the temple of the Most High. Yet we often complain about our misfortunes and our hard luck, when at times it is we who are guilty of disregard.

Help us to know that we can be broken by life only if we first allow the victory of evil over our spirits.

May our hope and strength and faith be grounded in you; and may we recall the strength of our model, our brother and your Son. Amen.

Posted by Mt. Haley Church of God on Thursday, July 15, 2021

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