Scripture and Prayer on Friday, February 26, 2021

Pastor David reads Deuteronomy 10:12-22 and 11:18-28, and offers a prayer from Gardner Calvin Taylor:

Our Father and our God, we open now our very souls before you, for something within us craves food which the bread of this world cannot satisfy. We would slake our thirst at the everlasting fountain.

We thank you for all you have done for us, for the way you have shepherded us and provided for us all this journey through, for family and friends and the fulfillment of daily work. Above all, for Jesus your Son, our Lord.

We lift before you our nation, so splendid in possibility, so stricken and uncertain in this moment of its history. Give us again the vision of a nation under God, moving to be what you would have us be and to do what you bid us do. We pray for all political prisoners and, indeed, for all who languish in cells anywhere. Likewise we hold up before you those who have come within sight of the grave. Sustain them. Bless our young people seeking to find the point and purpose of their lives. Bless all who are here and those who worship with us beyond this visible company.

Bless this church and your churches everywhere. Put on your churches’ lips the old Gospel of Bethlehem and Galilee and Calvary’s resurrection morning. Come among us. Set the fires of God burning afresh in our hearts.

Let the words we utter here with our mouths and the thoughts we think with our hearts be acceptable in your sight, O Lord our strength and our Redeemer.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord we make our petition – Amen.

Posted by Mt. Haley Church of God on Friday, February 26, 2021

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