Guatemala! Mt. Haley’s mission to the TRACKS and a week with missionary David Beam has preoccupied my thoughts this month as we have prepared for our March 5th–13th, 2016, mission trip. God blessed us with great prices for our plane tickets; however, we will fly not out of our usual departure cities of Flint or Detroit but from Chicago. God saved us almost $6000 by flying out of O’Hare, but our next challenge is getting to Chicago: 6-7 hours travel time with 16 people and probably 32 pieces of luggage. Now I am patiently awaiting a phone call for a confirmation of travel arrangements that might get us there in a convenient fashion. Praying big time right now. We have five of our team coming from other churches and the rest are somehow related to Mt. Haley. A cool stat this year is that we have 8 team members under 25; Jeremy Hassen is just a little older than that; and the rest of us, well, we won’t go into their ages. Plus Pastor David and myself represent the clergy with plans for David to speak at the Church of the Tracks. We have plans to build two bedrooms and a bathroom for Sonia, the English teacher at the school and a long time friend of the Mt. Haley team. It will be exciting for her and her family, plus the satisfaction we receive in ministering to this community of Guatemala. May All the Glory Be to God!!
This month we are culminating our drive to raise the $5000 we need for housing construction, plus meeting our needs for luggage, insurance, and some other unexpected expenses that have occurred. So we are asking you to consider helping out God’s work with a donation. Donations are tax-deductible and should be given through the church, Mt. Haley Church of God.
We are also gathering materials to make special “bags” for feeding stations and the people at the Tracks. The following are supplies that we would like to take with us for these bags:
- Combs/brushes, girls’ barrettes, & clips
- Travel/hotel size shampoo, conditioner, lotions
- Small toothpastes, toothbrushes, chap sticks
- Bars of soap, washcloths, dental floss
- Pens, pencils, small notepads
- Small bottles of aspirin, ibuprofen, etc. (can be generic)
- Band-aids, multi-purpose vitamins
Small Gifts for the Children
- Small cars, yo-yos, small balls, etc., stickers
- Small stuffed animals, “Happy Meals” toys, socks
We need these items by February 21st.
Meanwhile, we are remembering scripture as we pray and plan:
“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” (Matthew 25:34-36 NIV)
Winter Retreat was a huge success with a full house at CranHill Ranch. Our group had a great time with youth from around the state as we heard the Word of God from Leo Robinson and worshiped with 2nd Mile. Connie and I took 7 students as well as friends from the Meridian & Beaverton Churches of God. We had great weather for a Winter Retreat with a snowstorm and safe roads coming home. God was worshiped and served!
We are still studying the “Commandments of Jesus” in our weekly gatherings of both youth & GRADS. We are down to our last 7 or 8 commandments, then will move on to another topic. We are doing a Nooma Video Series in our Bible Study on Sunday mornings highlighting various aspects of living as a disciple of Christ. Next week we will be going “Super Bowling” at Valley Lanes on Sunday afternoon, then NOT having Youth or GRADS in the evening (2/7) because of the Super Bowl. We will resume some fundraising projects to prepare for State Youth Convention and the International Youth Convention. Registration for SYC begins soon, plus we already have 4 people + Connie & me signed up for the summer adventure of IYC in San Antonio, Texas. There will be many hours of fundraising including pop bottle/can collecting, spring garage sale, yard work, gift cards, etc. and more!
We invite families & youth to participate in Worship on Sunday mornings, plus Sunday School and Youth Meetings for students. We are STILL meeting almost EVERY Sunday evening without fail and YOU are welcomed. We know we are competing with homework, jobs, other activities, time and distance, but God’s Word continues weekly and daily and you are MISSED.
Parents and church, your prayers, support and encouragement are greatly appreciated and we look forward every week to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with our people through interaction, study, fellowship and relationship. Thank you for sharing your son or daughter and our congregation for holding the youth up in PRAYER.
Love God, Love People, Live It!
Pastor Jerry