Summer is moving along! Pastor David, Connie and I attended the North American Convention of the Church of God in Oklahoma City last week and were challenged, inspired and moved to be proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ with boldness. This event is one of the great events of the Church of God and we would fully endorse your attendance or even following it on the Internet. Topics, along with the many great speakers, music and worship experiences plus the general assembly, included a move to have the NAC every odd numbered year with the International Youth Convention on even years, resolutions to improve racial relationships, a call to community outreach and encouragement to keep “Jesus is the Subject” in our daily lives. A blessed experience for the entire Church of God.
Speaking of the International Youth Convention (the largest event in the CHOG), we are beginning today to plan and raise the funds for next summer’s convention in San Antonio, Texas. The convention is about “Changing Lives” not only during the IYC but also through daily living for Jesus. Next year’s theme is ONE, One God, One Truth, One Body, One Mission, with the scripture Ephesians 4:4-6 – There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. It will be our ultimate challenge, but through God all things are possible. We will be collecting pop cans/bottles with some pizza and swimming following our efforts. We are always excited also for our tithing to “Spread the Word” that carries the gospel into the world. Winter Retreat, State Youth Convention and IYC are the big events that help us focus on Jesus as we worship and serve Him through the weeks and months.
Although we are not having weekly meetings we encourage you to participate in the happenings of the church. We invite and encourage you to our weekly time of glory called Worship that we celebrate every Sunday at 11:00 AM. Pastor David is leading us in a discussion of “The Sermon On The Mount” which will enrich our spiritual growth and honor our Lord. Included in that package is our regular Youth Bible Study at 10:00 AM where we are learning the characteristics of “Being a Champion” for God. So, church continues throughout the summer as we bring the Gospel to your heart and ours.
This summer we are anticipating a variety of events. Some are scheduled, some will be scheduled, and some will be spur of the moment. Several students attended in June the “Come To The River,” a gathering of Christian bands down by the Tridge. Pastor David will be offering his Film & Faith series on Sunday nights where a movie will be watched with discussion afterwards. The next movie will be July 12, followed by July 26, August 2, August 16, and August 30. We have our church LOONS game on July 30, and we will be traveling to Michigan Adventure on Wednesday, August 5. We are doing the Michigan Adventure with the Meridian Church of God, and we are inviting families and anyone who would like to participate on this outing. If we have 25 people or more the tickets will be cheaper ($26) but the standard rate is $32 per person. We have events with St. Louis Camp Meeting and a Tommee Profitt concert in Ithaca during August. Plans are also being made for a canoe trip in September. So, we have several things on our agenda. Watch FB and the bulletin for details as the summer progresses.
Connie and I are also attending the Church of God Leadership Summit for Youth in Lake Wales, Florida, July 7-11, where we will serve as youth consultants and conduct a couple of break-out sessions. Over 200 youth selected from across the country will be participating, and we are praying for great things as they gather for Worship, Instruction and Community Service.
The Sunday evening with David and Damaris Beam, sharing their testimony and their life in Guatemala, was very successful and well attended. We will be starting the process for next year’s mission trip with registration in September.
Please keep Connie and me in prayer as we minister to people, attend the Summit in Florida, and pray for Connie’s mother as we arrange for round the clock care for her in her time of need. (She’s 90 and not doing well).
Parents and church, your prayers, support and encouragement are greatly appreciated and we look forward every week to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with our people through interaction, study, fellowship and relationship. Thank you for sharing your son or daughter and our congregation for holding the youth up in PRAYER.
Love God, Love People, Live It!
Blessings, Pastor Jerry