Summer is HERE! The last week of school has come, exams are over, people have graduated and we had our final Sunday of youth meetings until the fall. Time goes so quickly working in the Kingdom of God, but we are now ready for the adventures of summer and anticipate serving Him and bringing glory to God. NO, we will not be having weekly youth meetings and GRADS @ Grahams, however we hope to see you often with our activities and a weekly time of glory called “worship” that we celebrate every Sunday at 11:00 AM. Pastor David is leading us in a discussion of “The Sermon On The Mount” which will enrich our spiritual growth and honor our Lord. Included in that package is our regular Youth Bible Study at 10:00 AM where we are learning the characteristics of “Being a Champion” for God. SO, join us this summer as we bring the Gospel to your heart and ours.
Congratulations to Shane Mudd as he completed his journey at Bullock Creek graduating in the top 10% of his class as well as also having a successful Track season that culminated in at trip to the State Finals. Way to go Shane! Also we would like to offer congrats to Jeremy Hassen who completed his Master’s at SVSU and Kirk Hassen for finishing his Associate’s.
State Youth Convention was AWESOME. Our Youth from Mt. Haley, Meridian, and Beaverton gathered together to travel to SYC on May 15th and had a super weekend with God, each other and all the activities of a SYC. Hearts were touched, hearts were rededicated and we reached the mountaintop experience! However, now we are living the life and are walking in the light of God. Pray for us as we live our journey with the Lord – and we will pray for you also.
Fundraising was especially successful this spring as we brought more than enough in to our accounts for State Youth Convention. It’s a beginning, as we begin the preparations for the International Youth Convention of the Church of God in San Antonio, Texas next summer, July 2-5, 2016. Students were extremely excited during our last youth meeting as we reviewed and celebrated our 2014 IYC in Nashville and saw the previews for San Antonio 2016. Next year’s theme is ONE, One God, One Truth, One Body, One Mission with the scripture Ephesians 4:4-6 – “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” It will be our ultimate challenge, but through God all things are possible. Registration is in December @ $125 with knowing we have $30 per day lodging and $20 per day food plus the big question: How will we get there – flying, driving our van, charter bus or who knows? We are glad that God works out all the details. Meanwhile, we will be living for Him each and every day in His Kingdom.
This summer we are anticipating a variety of events. Some are scheduled, some will be and some will be spur of the moment. On June 20th, in downtown Midland there will be “Come To The River,” a gathering of Christian bands down by the Tridge. Pastor David will be offering his “Faith & Film” series on Sunday nights where a movie will be watched with discussion afterwards. The first one is “Noah” on June 14. Future ones will be July 5, July 12, July 26, August 2, and August 16. We have our church LOONS game on July 30th and we will be traveling to Michigan Adventure on Wednesday, August 5th. We are also anticipating a “Day At The Beach” in Ludington on one Sunday (date to be determined), Bike riding on the Rail Trail, a Scavenger Hunt, a trip to Tony’s Banana Splits with the St. Louis Camp Meeting, and a Tommee Profitt concert in Ithaca in August. Plans are also being made for a canoe trip in September. So, we have several things on our agenda. Watch FB and the bulletin for details as the summer progresses.
Pastor David, Connie and I will be traveling to Oklahoma City the week of June 22 for the North American Convention of the Church of God. Connie and I are also attending the Church of God Leadership Summit for Youth in Lake Wales, Florida, the first week of July where we will serve as youth consultants and conduct a couple of break-out sessions. We would appreciate your prayers.
This Sunday evening, June 7, at 6:00 PM we will be having a “David Beam and Guatemala” event in the pavilion at the Meridian Church of God. Everyone is invited; those who have gone to Guatemala, those who would like to go and everyone else who prays and help us sponsor our annual mission trip. Area churches are being invited also, and David Beam will be able to share with us in one stop in the area. We hope you can attend. Bring a dessert to share and a lawn chair. Ice cream and beverages will be provided as well as table service. Come learn about this great ministry!
Parents and church, your prayers, support and encouragement are greatly appreciated and we look forward every week to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with our students through interaction, study, fellowship and relationship. Thank you for sharing your son or daughter and our congregation for holding the youth up in PRAYER.
Love God, Love People, Live It!
Blessings, Pastor Jerry