During today’s Wednesday evening small group meeting, I was reminded of a profound truth about the path of Christian discipleship. We are studying the devotional book “Extreme Love” which was the centerpiece of the Focus 40 (Lent) season earlier this year. In one of the daily devotional readings, we discussed the difference between “doing” and “becoming”: how we as disciples should be concerned more about who we are becoming rather than what we are doing.

Does that apply to your life at all? We all live incredibly busy lives; I have even heard many retirees wonder aloud how they ever managed to go to work in years gone by. Our society places a high premium on what you can do, accomplish, or achieve. But I think there is something meaningful in thinking carefully about who we are becoming instead. How is your character being shaped? What changes to your values do you notice? How does faith in Jesus Christ form you into a new kind of person – even if you have been a believer for years or decades?
And now: how does this apply to us as a congregation? It is easy for churches to be wrapped up in programs, ministries, and events – things that we do. Rather than expend all our energy (and use all our God-given talents) on “doing,” what if we focused on “becoming”? How is God shaping us as a church? How is the Holy Spirit moving among us, to create something new among us? What does our future look like as a congregation? What are we going to become?
Two reminders. First, we will have “Mission Conversations” throughout the fall season to address these very questions. And second, you may join in this small group discussion by meeting with us Wednesdays at 7pm. Take advantage of these opportunities for spiritual growth!
–Pastor David