WOW!!! What a way to end 2012! Winter Retreat was AWESOME! Honest words for our journey as followers of Jesus Christ. God’s word highlighted our identity in Christ, His words brought us into a fresh relationship with Jesus and His challenge was for us to “Sin no more” and spread the news of His love to our world. Students accepted Christ, rededicated their walks, shared their struggles and looked to the ministry that Christ has for them. Best of all, we bonded together and enjoyed our time together. All that and fabulous fun too – tubing, swimming, winning the Dodge ball tournament, basketball, foosball and MORE! We even brought home the traveling Winter Retreat trophy! WOW!!!
As we begin the New Year, our youth accounts are “depleted” and we will need to grow them again. Coming in May will be the State Youth Convention with the band, The Afters, Onetime Blind, and our speaker, Raymond McElroy, the chaplain of the Chicago Bears. ALSO, now is the time, to begin thinking and planning for the 2014 International Youth Convention in Nashville, TN. Any student entering 9th grade in September of 2013 through one-year post-high school is eligible to participate and attend. You will be hearing more and more. In the meantime, no formal fundraising for January other than pop cans & printer cartridges.
On Sunday nights, we are all done with the topic, “The Ten Commandments.” We will begin on January 6 with “Getting By After the Spiritual High,” which will lead to a series on “Doing the Disciplines.” The series will look at Bible Study, Prayer, Quiet time & Devotions, Service and Spreading the Word. We will be looking into and discussing how to grow in our relationship with Jesus. Should be FUN and CHALLENGING! We will NOT have a Youth Meeting on Sunday, February 3rd and Tuesday, February 5th. The Graham’s, the Adams, and the Aukerman’s will all be on a mission trip in Guatemala. Pray for us!
We will be having a BOWLING party on Friday, January 25th to celebrate the end of the school semester. Details will be coming SOON. Our Winter Lock-In is tentatively set for Friday, February 15th. These are both days when students do not have school. We will NOT be having the February 3rd Super Bowl Party this year because of the Guatemala Mission Trip, February 1st – 8th. Again, we ask for your prayers.
Your prayers, support and encouragement are greatly appreciated and we look forward every week to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with our students through interaction, study, fellowship and relationship. Thank you for sharing your son or daughter.
Love God, Love People!
Pastor Jerry