I have a stack of books in my office that I want to read. These are great books that have been recommended to me by various people. For my own personal growth and for my continuing education as pastor of this church, I really do want to read through these books. The only problem is this:
My stack of books to read grows over time – it doesn’t get smaller!
You might think that I would actually make progress in my reading list, but unfortunately there are more books out there than anyone could ever read. By the time I finish reading one book, three or four more have been recommended to me. So many good Christian authors, especially in recent years, have written about the life of discipleship, obedience to Christ, faithfulness to God, church-related topics, and so forth. What are we supposed to do?
It’s at times like these that I remember one particular Bible verse:
Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body. (Ecclesiastes 12:12b NIV)
This was a favorite verse for me in seminary, because it seemed like all I did was read books in school. But my seminary friends and I always quoted this verse to each other tongue-in-cheek. It really is a blessing to have access to so many different perspectives, authors, and ways of thinking about following Jesus Christ.
On my reading list right now are several books. “You Lost Me” by David Kinnaman explores why young people who have been raised in the church are leaving it now that they are adults. “Forgotten God” by Francis Chan is a book about our lack of emphasis on the Holy Spirit in our churches and our lives. “10 People Every Christian Should Know” by Warren Wiersbe summarizes the lives and teachings of ten important Christian leaders from the past three centuries. And that’s just scratching the surface.
What’s on your reading list? Do you have a book or two handy (in addition to the Bible) that you are reading to help you along in your walk of discipleship? Are you sharing your books with your friends and family?
If you don’t have anything to read that will help you grow in your faith, come talk with me! I would be happy to share my books or the church’s books with you. We have more than enough for everyone to use and to learn from!
–Pastor David