February was a good month as we held our Super Bowl Party and our Lock-In with great participation and attendance over 20 at each event. Connie and I were tired after both activities with the Super Bowl being the day after we returned home from Guatemala and the Lock-In —well, we stayed awake all night for those who doubted, having fun with each other and the Word of God. Super Night, We welcomed two youth from the St. Johns First Church of God plus many friends beyond our own group.
Your students are being PRAYED FOR EVERY DAY! Students identified as a regular have a “Mt. Haley” church adult (A Prayer Partner) holding them up in prayer daily. So, if your student receives a note of encouragement or call, don’t be surprised. The great news is we will be adding new students for prayer this month. God is working within our youth ministry and prayers are being answered and making an impact.
“Jesus and Sticky Questions” will continue to be our topic in Sunday night youth meetings throughout March. Ask your students about the topics we are dealing with. They would be great topics even for adults. On April 1 we will have a special lesson on “The Crucifixion” and then the following Sunday we will not have Sunday night youth because it is Easter Sunday. Your students have an opportunity for “Baptism” on Easter Sunday if they feel called by God to participate in this sacrament. If a student is interested in being baptized, please contact Pastor David or me as soon as possible. We will take you through the purpose of baptism and the steps needed.
We are working on several events during April & May, however, our BIG event will be STATE YOUTH CONVENTION held at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo on the weekend of May 18-20. Fundraisers will be coming SOON to help raise money for the convention. A Super Early Bird $40 registration will be DUE by March 25 which will guarantee a $115 cost to the convention. During April it jumps to $125 and in May it jumps to $150. It pays to plan ahead!
This year’s convention features the speaker Don Jackson. He was so popular last year, that he is coming back this year. The weekend worship leader is Joel Hutton with our Friday night guests being Nate Felierstien and MOCI. The convention costs not only include guests and concerts, but two nights lodging, four meals, tailgate party and all programs. (Tournaments – 3 on 3 basketball, dodgeball, volleyball, chat with Joel Frymire, Don Jackson and MOCI, Talent Search and more) We also have the opportunity to order a convention T-Shirt for $10. Look for the posting in the youth room to see what it looks like.
We encourage all of our students to attend our Sunday night youth meetings every week and to participate in all the events of the youth ministry. The more they attend weekly and participate in the Youth Ministry’s events, the more they will make friends and feel part of God’s people. We also invite and encourage our students and their families to attend the 11:00 AM Worship Services at Mt. Haley. We would love to have you join us.
Thank you for sharing your son or daughter with us, your support and your prayers.
Pastor Jerry