Yesterday I came back from the Michigan Church of God Pastor’s Institute inspired, motivated and praising God for the opportunities we have as pastors in the state. It was a great time with Pastor David and other pastors from throughout the state.  On Saturday, January 28, Connie and I departed on one of our best weeks of every year, our mission to Guatemala to meet with friends in Christ and to be part of helping a family have a new home.  Blessings!  We thank everyone for the church donation for that home, we thank you for the gifts you help provide for the people and especially for the support and prayers on our behalf. We will be anxious to share with you when we return!

Our Prayer Partner Team for the youth has officially begun.  We have 13 youth and 13 prayer partners in place and through the months we hope to increase in sharing and praying as the ministry grows through the answered prayers.  Partners will be sent prayer materials each month as well as more information about the youth.  Thanks again for volunteering for this important ministry.

Our Swim Party day went extremely well with 17 students in attendance as well as my son & his family and our daughter and her kids joining us.  They had an enjoyable time visiting Mt. Haley and attending the party.  We also welcome Jo and Lawrence Adams & family as they have offer to volunteer in helping with the youth and attending Mt. Haley.  They are a great addition to our ministry.

Congratulations to Isabella Krolikowski and Shane Mudd in receiving their certificates for completion of Year One in the Michigan Student Leadership Institute (MSLI). Special recognition is extended to Paul Hassen for his graduation from the three-year MSLI.  These students should be commended.  MSLI will be having their Spring Tune-Up day on March 24th.

The Scrip’s Gift Card Sale continues through February 5th when we will place the order on February 6 and hope to have them to you by February 12 before Valentine’s Day. Cards do not need to be used for the holiday, but they contribute to the Youth Ministry when you eat out at restaurants, buy groceries, purchase gasoline, get that new outfit to wear or other items that families use.  Thanks for your help.  Extra order blanks are on the back table in the lobby.  Keep bring those pop cans/bottles in, they really help!

The Youth Super Bowl party will be Sunday, February 5th from 5:00 – 9:00 PM at Pastor Jerry & Connie’s home, 712 Stillmeadow, in Midland.  We’ll have snacks, watch a portion of the big game and have some other activities for non-sport fans.  Van pick-up begins at 4:30.  Call Pastor Jerry on Sunday the 5th if you need a ride. (We’re in Guatemala until late on the 4th.)

There is a Youth Lock-In at the church on Sunday night, February 19th.  Bullock Creek and Midland do NOT have school on Monday the 20th.  There will be games, food, devotions, movies, etc during the night plus possibly some other special activity.  More details will be coming on the time it starts and other information as we get closer to the night.  Watch for a postcard!

We will be continuing with our series, “Jesus & Sticky Questions,” through out the Sunday nights until Easter.  Great discussions with the Word of God and how we live our everyday life will challenge us.  Students, feel free to invite friends and we encourage congregation members to tell families about our Youth Ministry at Mt. Haley Church of God.  See you when we get back.  Thanks for your prayers!

Pastor Jerry

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