We have shifted into HIGH GEAR and are off to a flying start of a new church & school year. We are meeting EVERY Sunday evening @ 6:00 and we want you there!  Come join us for fellowship, fun, games, food, prayer and the Word of GOD.  We are presently discussing & learning about the “Circle of Prayer” and its application of our daily life.   6th & 7th grade boys meet after school on Tuesday every week.  With a new year, it’s important that you complete the 2013-2014 permission slip, which covers activities, trips, and van riding for the whole year.  They were sent to everyone, but let us know if you need one.  Thanks!

photo by arsheffield
photo by arsheffield

Our quest to raise the funds for Winter Retreat in January and the International Youth Convention in Nashville next summer has begun.  After a very successful Mum Sale, we are moving on to a “Baked Potato” supper on Wednesday, October 9th (next week) and a Gift Card sale in the latter half of October.  Gift cards are easy and contribute a % of money for each one sold.  They don’t have to be for gifts because you can purchase gas cards, grocery cards, haircut cards, restaurant cards, shopping cards and the list goes on.  We all know items we will be purchasing – with the cards you just plan ahead and help the youth.  Olive’s Yard is also going to need raking soon, plus we are tentatively selling Poinsettia’s & Wreaths for Christmas.  Meanwhile, collect the pop cans & bottles; they bring in change to us in big ways.

We will be having a “Swimming Party” for all youth 6th grade – college on Sunday, October 13th @ 3:00 PM.  The van will leave the church @ 2:30 PM.  There will be food & games following the swimming @ church then regular Sunday night youth meeting.  We will be going “Bowling” on November 16, packing “Community Thanksgiving” groceries on November 24 and a “Christmas Party” on December 15.  There will be NO youth on Sunday, November 10th because Pastor Jerry & Connie will be attending their granddaughter’s baby dedication in Holland, MI.

We have two Big Events to register for in December. Winter Retreat is the weekend of January 10-12, 2014.  A $50 registration is due to the state office by Wednesday, December 4th.  To accommodate that due date, we will need your $50 and confirmation of attendance by Sunday, November 30.  Registration can take place after that date, but it costs more and the registrations are limited this year.  Tommee Profitt will be the band along with Michael Thigpen as the speaker.

The second registration is the Early Bird Bonus Registration for the International Youth Convention in Nashville, TN on July 5–8, 2014.  The cost is $115 and must be postmarked by December 12, 2013. Registration will continue, but the cost increases at different due dates.  The Speakers, Worship Leaders and Christian Bands haven’t been announced but they will be “Big Names.”  There will be many discussions about raising the funds for food, lodging and transportation.

The Guatemalan Team has been registered and they will begin monthly meetings in October.  We have a team of 16 from 4 churches (mostly Mt. Haley) and will be going February 8–15, 2014.  Thank you for your support.

We are anticipating a great year in the history of the Mt. Haley Youth Ministry. We want everyone to know that our ultimate desire is for each youth of Mt. Haley to accept and develop a relationship with Jesus Christ and to grow spiritually every day of his or her life.  We have adapted seven spiritual growth principles (adapted from Andy Stanley) that we will work to develop in our youth. They are:

  1. Authentic Faith:  Are our kids trusting God with the critical areas of their lives?  (Proverbs 3:5-6)
  2. Spiritual Disciplines:  Are our kids developing a consistent devotional and prayer life? (Romans 12:2)
  3. Moral Boundaries:  Are our kids establishing and maintaining Godly moral boundaries? (1 Thessalonians 4:3-8)
  4. Healthy Friendships:  Are our kids establishing healthy friendships and avoiding unhealthy ones? (Proverbs 12:20)
  5. Wise Choices:  Are our kids making wise choices in every area of their lives?  (Ephesians 5:15-17)
  6. Ultimate Authority:  Are our kids submitting to the authorities God has placed over them?  (Romans 13:1-2)
  7. Others First:  Are our kids putting the needs of others ahead of their own?  (Philippians 2:3-11)

With that in mind, parents and church, your prayers, support and encouragement are greatly appreciated, and we look forward every week to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with our students through interaction, study, fellowship and relationship.  Thank you for sharing your son or daughter.

Love God, Love People!

Pastor Jerry

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